Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Scrap Poem For Scrap Humans

if you try to read the definition of human with sunglasses on
you'll only notice the smudges on the screen.

you'll notice it has the most traction
out of any other word
in the entire human dictionary

you'll notice your escape route
lies only two veins away
from your fragile skin

you'll notice that the darkness
drowns your thoughts
but the daylight
is in love with your skin

you'll notice that its ok
to live in the shadows
because you can make
whatever you need there

we may not have time
to notice our feet in the dirt
but we have our entire lives
to get them out.

being human
means more than to die,
it means to notice the life in everything we do.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

"Holding Hands," a short visual story by ThomSonnyGreen. #different


a short visual story

               by ThomSonnyGreen

this is weird. i had great plans for this visual story, but time passed in its usual fashion (which is does) so it ended up a little confusing. ill explain it for those who missed: people. monsters see people. monsters copy people. people turn out to be fake, put up by a boy to hide from the monsters themselves.

interpret as you may.



Friday, September 18, 2015

A Thousand Wrinkles, A Thousand Stories (Re-Print)

Winter Solstice

everyone says i have a dark side
so i must be the moon

they i say i was born with feet 
but no shoes to fill

i was born with a heart
but no one to love

they say i was done 
before i even started

singing the songs too sharp
to just trying to cut the silence
only reminded me that you hated my voice

i've been hurting in the same heart
since i was two

ocean full of wreckage,
body full of hell,

i look down upon the earth
and think, why am i the outcast?

i must be the moon. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Origin-Less Ghosts

im dwindling down
into a wound up thread
and my shrinking heart
is where i hold the things i lost

they rush towards life

like blood from a cut
glorious and whole
their entire existence

origin-less ghosts

i feel mourning inside me
like dark waves
that swell in my wounds

and they move within me

beginning as fate
then consuming
my deepest truths

and it is from these wounds i bloom

from the shadows of flaw
and the frames that tie
my earliest beginnings

and you can hear them calling

from back at the shore
where their cries
still go unheard

and their power lies in truth

as they loosen their grip from pain

drenched in their own blood

and breaking chains

but they will not scare me now

and i will bring them to you
if you let me.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Severed Trees (part II)

You're only as tough 
as your strongest pill

the promise of a crayon

every day i watch children jump too fast into their opponents shoes.
i watch their hands craft little flowers into crowns 
as their hearts get crafted into bricks.
decorated with dirt, they vow to never leave their mothers side.

i watch the buzz of their minds become as useless

as the holes in their ears. 
i watch the cracks in their minds grow as big
as the broken glasses they hold. 

each one waiting to be filled.

and i sure wish it would rain

because the dryness is rubbing them bare.

i watch them apologize for a paper airplane gone wrong, 
each one left out in the rain, 
but real apologies won't exist in their minds.
each promise to 
will bite the inside of my cheek
where my best ideas get flushed down the the bottom of my stomach. 

this generation is gone

and the best of them won't measure up,

just like me. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Quiet Nights

sometimes I forget how quiet the nights can be

the rain feels like bullets

against my porcelain skin
and the tick in my head just isn't going away

I think of you on these lonely nights

the very best shaded lips and honey hair the earth has to offer.

you remind me of a world I once knew

filled with cold hands wrapped gently around your lovers waist
a place I could never forget,
for it saved me.

the clouds continue to drip

as the milky orange sun dissolves into the sky

I pull my hair back

and sip my cup

what if you were as real as my cup was right now.

as I sip it, it can alway be refilled.
but is there always an refill for love?
my cup just sits.

I can hear the rain getting closer,

disrupting my train of thought.

I wonder what you are feeling right now.

as I use your worn down spirit to keep me warm.
how terrifying it would be
to know I could live without you.

the rain has now turned into bombs.

exploding against my glass window.

I want to scream at it

but my voice is completely gone.

and your picture in my head disappeared with it.

I curse the rain, for it has taken you once more.

Sometimes I forget, how hostile nights can be.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


a shipwrecked man 
sits across the room, 

turning things inside out with his gaze, 

stops staring at the wall
to inspect his drink.

darkness meets darkness
and through it he can see a splinter of hope,
the same kind of hope
that got him into this mess.

not free nor prison free
his mother gave him death
near brink- 
he drinks till he is full.
squeezing his veins shut. 

-i dont think you understand the loneliness that comes with being free

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Now Our Lives are no Surprises

i can feel your desperation so deeply

that it no longer takes words

and i can sense your trembling fingers

as you try to tie the fabrics of time

but your so quick to look away

when you see something you dont understand

you are a borrowed vessel

and you have yet to give yourself away

and you have so much love left inside you

but not a clue who to give it to

you think that i will come running back

but i can run into my own %^*%$ arms

has your heart become a nuisance?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


the mountains are finally silent.

mind and body at rest


how sick i was being someone

i am not

i was a poet one minute and a freak the next

i was a believer
a see'er
a do'er
and now I'm all licked up in life
and i see no more shadows on the walls.

it isn't something i can explain

i can't explain my journey because it can't be written
its certainly isn't something i can remember

but the feeling hasn't gone away

of relief
of grace
of peace

and I'm madly in love

with the feeling of relief.

and during the rare moments of dreams

i feel pain
but it never ceases to bother me

and i believe you can do this too

with time.

give it time.